
Friday 31 January 2020

Chlorpromazine trial

Repurposing Chlorpromazine in the Treatment of Glioblastoma (RACTAC)

This is a phase 2 trial being conducted in Italy.

Two interesting points to remember:
Chlorpromazine is an old off-patent drug, in clinical use since the 1950s.

Like the new drug ONC201 (which is in several trials and an expanded access program for H3 K27M mutant gliomas and DIPG), it is an antagonist of dopamine receptor D2 (DRD2).

Feb 5 2020 edit:

See also
Repurposing chlorpromazine in the treatment of glioblastoma multiforme: analysis of literature and forthcoming steps.

Monday 27 January 2020

ZIKV preferentially infects glioblastoma stem cells (GSCs) rather than neural precursor cells

I've been mentioning the Zika virus occasionally on the site.  I still believe it holds promise.

Saturday 25 January 2020

A personal note

Some of you may have noticed a decline of activity from me on the blog, and I feel it is time I made some kind of statement about it.

It has been 7 years since my good friend was diagnosed with anaplastic astrocytoma. Prior to that time, I had not even heard the term "astrocytoma" before, neither did I have any formal training in the sciences.  The story may be familiar to some of you.

Unfortunately over the past couple years, especially over the last year, I've felt as though I'm "running out of steam" for this kind of work.  Burnout is another term that might fit.  I've never wanted to abandon this community, as I'm fully aware of how much need there is for the kind of brain tumor research inspired by people such as Ben Williams, who has been the intellectual inspiration for my work.  Yet, I have to be honest with myself and with you the community, that I'm feeling its time for a hiatus.  Rest assured, this doesn't mean I'm shutting down the blog.  If anyone feels knowledgeable enough to step up and take a more active role in answering questions posted here, that would certainly be welcome.  I will continue to monitor the activity here and may be able to contribute something, just as others do.  I feel like I can continue to be a contributor here, but probably not as the primary voice responding to the majority of posts as I was able to do in past years.

I'm not sure what this will mean in terms of continued lively discussion here.  I would also like to mention the new forum at, which has started since the closing of the previous yahoo discussion groups. I'd encourage you all to check out

Al Musella was a huge help to me when I was new to the brain tumor research community, and provided me with many opportunities to meet others in the field, attend conferences etc.  Let's all support his work and the new forum he is providing.

This is not goodbye, just stepping down from the more prominent role that I somehow fell into, when my energy levels for scientific research were higher than they are at present.  I wish each and every one of you the best of luck in your research,  hope you find the answers you are seeking in the archives here, and from other sources, and of course hope that you will be able to beat the prognosis given to you by the medical establishment.

Stephen W

Tuesday 21 January 2020

Please help evaluate the urgency of tumor relapse (gliosarcoma GIV)

Dear all,

I need your advise and support.

My sister has gliosarcoma GIV (please see our medical history here). Last MRI figured out relapse of tumor growth. How evaluate property real level of urgency and real speed of tumor growth?

Links for MRIs are here

Should we look for the option of another surgery  (rejection)? Is there any chance to do it without trepanation of skull? I heard this may be done with ultrasound. What are the best options for surgery?

Thanks in advance for your help and recommendations.

Saturday 18 January 2020

Good news from MRI scan. GBM Tumor shrinkage from 4.5cm to 2cm

Happy New Year everyone. I wanted to give a positive news update as it is great motivation when there only seems to be negative news regarding glioblastoma. My dad had his 3 month MRI scan follow up (since the last scan in September) today and it shows tumor shrinkage from 4.5cm (in addition to swelling) down to 2cm and no swelling. 

What was added since the previous MRI scan (September) was starting these drugs in October:
  • 16 mg dexamethasone and then slowly reducing to 2mg now; 
  • Biweekly IV Bevacizumab - avastin ; 9 rounds completed; 
  • 2g daily Valaciclovir - valtrex (1g in the morning, 1g in the night);
  • 100mg daily Artemisinin;
  • 500mg daily Astragalus. 
I think the Bevacizumab - avastin and Valaciclovir - valtrex really helped.

I want to share his treatment as I know there is no one cocktail list and it can be difficult to know what to take and also where to get the drugs or supplements. We began by taking the list of "A" drugs from the table which Stephen shared with us after I emailed him directly. Stephen also provided a link to the Ben William's and Richard Gerber's cocktail list. Since my dad is unmethylated we tried to follow Richard Gerber's cocktail list as closely as possible. We printed out the BT Cocktail list Stephen shared with us, modified it to the "A" drugs and printed this as my dads list to show his oncologists and GP with the dosage he was taking. We were lucky some friends were able to get chloroquine phosphate, Celebrex and melatonin over the counter in Spain. This meant we could start slowly adding drugs one by one before getting the GP to prescribe these drugs to my dad. His oncologist was happy for my dad to try whatever he wanted once he did the treatment they suggest - he was free to add any supplements or drugs once we provided the oncologist and GP with the cocktail list, dosage, purpose (this info from the cocktail list Stephen shared) and the date we added the drug and only one by one with two weeks apart. For the likes of Valaciclovir - valtrex we named the researchers who carried out the study and the publication and then our GP was happy to prescribe these drugs from our local pharmacy.

We check his drug interactions using website. It allows you to enter the list of drugs and says potential side effects or which drug combinations throughout the day to avoid. We also get the pharmacist to make up weekly blister packs and they put his drugs into morning, lunch, evening and night - this service really helps us keep organise. We keep a day example of how the pharmacist previously made up the blister pack and hand that in to the pharmacist the following month so they remember - as even for the pharmacist its alot in the cocktail to remember.

We are attending 2 hospitals because one is a general hospital to deal with his seizures and it is 10 mins drive away and his oncologist/neurologist hospital are 15 mins away from our house - we are very lucky with the excellent healthcare in Ireland and that it is all provided for (consultation, MRI scans, surgery, radiation, chemotherapy, Bevacizumab - Avastin, prescribed cocktail medication, social worker, counselling, hospital stays, blood tests, tumor analysis).

We were taking N-acetylcysteine early on (it is a Glutamate transporter 1 (GLT1)) but we stopped as we read it might enhance the tumor growth - we do not know if it is good or bad to take??? I think the seizure drugs blog glutamate transport?

We also obtained Disulfiram but never added this to our cocktail as we do not know if it interacts with the seizure drugs??

We also were taking Ranitidine (75mg daily) but stopped this after reading about side effects combined with Bevacizumab - avastin. Although my dad never had any issues. 

We are also interested in adding more to the cocktail perhaps similar to the CUSP9rv3 clinical trial cocktail such as ritonavir. We are also continuing to do research on HAART/HIV antriviral treatment as apparently HIV patients in Brazil/Mexico did not get GBM's over a 20 year period. 

My dad needed to take Duclox for constipation during chemo but is fine now.

My dad does not follow a ketogenic diet but we do encourage him to have a vegan diet as much as possible low in sugar. However if he wants to eat biscuits, bread, chocolate etc he does - he loves Latte's and dark mint chocolate. He does not have any alcohol due to the seizure medication.


  • My father was diagnosed with Grade 4 GBM after a grand mal seizure 24th Feb 2019. Located in the left temporal lobe, around 3cm.
  • He had a successful craniotomy on the 7th of March 2019. About 95% removed, at least all visible tumor was removed.
  • He completed the 30 sessions of radiation/310mg TMZ. 17th April 2019 to 30th May 2019
  • He then did 3 months of 5/23 400mg TMZ chemo. July-September 
  • TMZ was stopped and been doing Avastin every 2nd Monday since 23rd September 2019 - today 13th January 2020 still doing.
  • Some notes to point out: he was swimming the evening before he had his 1st seizure. He couldn't finish a pint of guinness that night and had some pins and needles in his right arm before sleep - he had no other symptoms to indicate this tumor before 24th February 2019. He had the seizure in the middle of the night. 7th March Surgery went really well and was chatting away normally 1 hour afterwards. To this day he has never had any pain or headaches. He had no side effects during radiation and chemotherapy apart from the seizure 5 weeks after it finished. 
Side Effects:
  • 30th June 2019: About 5 weeks after 30 sessions radiation/chemo and after having daily tingling, we spent the day walking around the countryside for many hours. We had a 2 hour car journey and he was 2 hours late taking his Keppra (at the time he was only on 1g total in the day, 500mg morning and 500mg evening). That night he had 4 multiple seizures. He came through after the 1st seizure but he seemed to have panicked when he saw the paramedics that he went into the 3 other multiple seizures. The hospital induced him into a coma for 24 hours which we were not expecting. His Keppra dosage was increased to 2.5g a day and they added phenytoin 300mg in the morning. They also restarted him in dexamethasone 2 weeks 4mg and then 2 weeks 2mg.
  • 4th September 2019: He had been having foot twitching since 30th June every night when sleeping. From the end of August he was starting to mix up people's names and words due to aphasia resulting from the edema. Hospital increased the Keppra to 3g per day, added Clobazam 10mg x 2 and 16mg Dexamethasone daily - which we have been reducing since September until now (18th Jan) where he is on 2mg Dexamethasone. His speech has now returned to 100% and no seizures  after adding Phenytoin, Clobazam. There was alot of swelling/looked like the tumor was very active by MRI and due to MGMT unmethylation the hospital stopped the TMZ and have now been giving him Bevacizumab - Avastin on Mondays every 2 weeks, 9 rounds so far.  Bloods are all normal and within range.
  • October 2019: My dad took Zovirax tablets and then switched to Valtrex as it apparently has better bioavailability. For 2 weeks when he started taking this we noticed he broke out in large cystic type spots around his face and neck - it almost looked like his body was trying to get rid of toxins??? These spots went away after about 2 weeks after starting the Acyclovir treatment.

    Daily Routine: He carries around Midazolam injections in case he was ever to have a seizure


    1. 8.30am: Ensomeprazole 40mg (One tablet a day). Stomach protector for steroid

    After Porridge (with seeds):

    9am: Following medication all prescribed by GP 

    1. Dexamethasone 2mg (One tablet a day). Steroid to reduce swelling
    2. Ramipril 5 mg (One tablet per day). ACE inhibitor, Lower Blood Pressure, Prevents accumulation of Tumor associated Macrophages) 
    3. Phenytoin - Epanutin 300 mg - (3 x 100 mg tablets all taken at this time. Anti-seizure
    4. Clobasam - Frisium 10 mg (twice a day, 10 mg in morning, 10 mg at night) Anti-seizure
    5. Levetiracetam - Keppra 500mg x 3 (twice a day, 1.5g in morning, 1.5g at night) Anti-seizure
    6. Metformin Hydrochloride 500 mg (twice a day, 500mg in morning, 500mg at night). Diabetes and Immune booster
    7. Valaciclovir - Valtrex 500mg x 2 (twice a day, 1g in morning, 1g at night) Anti-viral, HSV, VZV, EBV, CMV. Guanosine binds to cancer cell DNA and converted by viral thymidine kinase and host cell kinases to aciclovir triphosphate (ACV-TP)
    8. Chloroquine phosphate - Avloclor 250 mg. (One tablet per day, 155mg active chloroquine base). Malaria. Inhibition of late-stage autophagy
    9. Minocyline 100 mg (twice a day, 100mg morning, 100mg evening - one month on and switch one month off to use Mebendazole instead). Targets macrophage/microglia. Anti-seizure
    10. Mebendazole Vermox 100 mg (twice a day, 100mg morning, 100mg evening - one month on and switch one month off to use Minocycline instead). 

      After omelette (with garlic):
      10.00am: Supplements. Mainly obtained from iherb apart from Turkey tail which is difficult to get in Ireland and we get via evitamins.

      1. Boswellia NOW 500mg tablet. (1 of 3 tablets per day) Reduces edema
      2. ECG (green tea extract) . Now 400 mg. Sensitizer to TMZ by GRP78 inhibition
      3. Maitake D Mushroom Wisdom (600 mg tablets – 1 tablet per day). Immune
      4. Curcumin. Doctor's Best (1000mg tablets – 1 tablet once per day but give other brands of Curcumin later in the day as this is not Longvida and difficult to swallow) Immune; STAT3 inhibitor
      5. Multivitamins. Optimum Nutrition, Opti-Men. (1 tablet once per day)
      6. Vitamin D3.  NOW (10,000 IU tablets – 1 tablet once per day). Cell differentiation; Immune
      7. Mushroom supplement mix from Fungi Perfecti Host Defense Stamets 7 (Royal Sun Blazei; Cordyceps; lions mane; Maitake; reishi; Chaga; Mesima); Immune
      8. Artemisinin. Doctor's Best (100mg tablets – 1 tablet once per day) Malaria and Direct Cytotoxicity, apoptosis

      After snack:
      1pm: Medication prescribed by GP 

      1. Celecoxib - Celebrex (200mg tablet) Arthritis and COX-2 inhibitor, Immune (PGE2 inhibition),  reduces edema

        1pm Supplements:

        1. Astragalus NOW (500mg tablet) Immune

        TEA: (meal followed by a glass of Kombucha or Kefir)
        After snack:

        1. Omega 3-6-9  Now Foods, 1200 mg - 1 tablet per day) From Borage, Flax Seed & Fish Oils Increased oxidative stress in tumor cells
        2. Milk Thistle, Silymarin Now Foods, (300 mg tablet) Immune and liver support
        3. Berberine Natural Factors, WellBetX (500 mg tablet).Glucose metabolism and Induces senescence of  cells by down regulating the EGFR-MEK-ERK signalling pathway
        4. Boswellia NOW 500mg tablet. (2 of 3 tablets per day) Reduces edema
        5. Curcumin. Protocol for Life Balance, Curcumin SLCP Longvida 400 mg and  Advanced Orthomolecular Research (AOR) Curcuviva 400 mg (80 mg curcuminoids and Nordic Naturals Curcumin Gummies Mango 200mg Longvida. Prefers the Nordic Naturals gummies. Immune; STAT3 inhibitor

        9pm: Medication prescribed by GP 

        1. Clobasam - Frisium 10 mg (twice a day, 10 mg in morning, 10 mg at night) Anti-seizure
        2. Levetiracetam - Keppra 500mg x 3 (twice a day, 1.5g in morning, 1.5g at night) Anti-seizure
        3. Metformin Hydrochloride 500 mg (twice a day, 500mg in morning, 500mg at night). Diabetes and Immune booster
        4. Valaciclovir - Valtrex 500mg x 2 (twice a day, 1g in morning, 1g at night) Anti-viral, HSV, VZV, EBV, CMV. Guanosine binds to cancer cell DNA and converted by viral thymidine kinase and host cell kinases to aciclovir triphosphate (ACV-TP)
        5. Atorvastatin 20 mg (1 tablet a day) Manage Cholesterol
        6. Minocyline 100 mg (twice a day, 100mg morning, 100mg evening - one month on and switch one month off to use Mebendazole instead). Targets macrophage/microglia. Anti-seizure
        7. Mebendazole Vermox 100 mg (twice a day, 100mg morning, 100mg evening - one month on and switch one month off to use Minocycline instead). 

        9pm Supplements:

        1. Resveratrol Now Foods, 200 mg,
        2. Soy Isoflavones with Vitamin B6. Holland and Barrett Contains active daidzin, genistin and other isoflavones, phyto-oestrogens
        3. PSK or PSP (Turkey Tail Mushroom/Corilus versicolor/Trametes versicolor) NFH Hot-Water extract Immune 500mg (obtained from Walmart) have backup from evitamins from Mushroom Wisdom. 
        4. Probiotics; Garden of Life, Dr. Formulated Probiotics, Mood+ ( 1 tablet once per day); 16 strains  50 Billion CFU¹ (203 mg)
        5. Boswellia NOW 500mg tablet. (3 of 3 tablets per day) Reduces edema
        6. Spirulina powder mixed in with green juice

          11pm: Medication prescribed by GP

          1. Melatonin 20mg; 

          Useful links we used:

          Ben William's cocktail:

          Richard Gerber's MGMT unmethylated cocktail:

          CUSP9rv3 Cocktail list (Neurology consultant DR. Marc-Eric Halatsch)

          Positive correlation between HIV antiviral treatment and low occurrence of glioblastoma

            Sunday 12 January 2020

            Story of Tetiana from Ukraine (gliosarcoma GIV WHO)

            Hi everyone.

            This is my first record for your blog. At first, let me thank to Stephen and others who created this platform. It is a really good opportunity to discuss our stories and get a lot of important information.

            I have some concrete questions. Although before I have to say few words about myself and my story due to rules of this community, as I realised.

            Ok, let's start.