
Wednesday 12 August 2015

Low carb diet

Hubby has been on a low carb diet since dx. We are lucky enough to live near an certified organic, grass fed dairy so have access to raw milk, cream and butter which we have been eating a lot of as grass fed dairy has higher levels of CLA which has anti cancer effects, and they also taste good :)

Yesterday I read somewhere(can't find where) that fat especially when consuming saturated fats that it   metabolizes into    glycerol which causes blood spikes and increased levels of sugar in blood for longer periods.....exactly what we are trying to avoid. Isn't the ketogenic diet mostly fat? Can anybody shed any light on this?
So much to think about


  1. Dietary fat is typically in the form of a triglyceride, which is 3 fatty acids attached to a glycerol molecule. While the glycerol backbone can be converted to glucose, the fatty acids themselves are not convertible to glucose. Only a small fraction of fat calories (the glycerol component) can be converted to glucose. A larger fraction of protein can be converted to glucose.

    Yes the ketogenic diet is mostly fat, and the ketogenic diet leads to ketosis, which is essentially the body's response to glucose starvation. Again, only a small fraction of fat can be converted to glucose, and this is why the high-fat ketogenic diet leads to ketosis (the body starts to burn ketone bodies for fuel due to a lack of glucose).

  2. Can i ask a question regarding ketogenic diet also?? Can following a ketogenic diet replace using metformin and DCA?

  3. Of course you may Sarah,

    A ketogenic diet has many overlapping effects with metformin, for example a lowering of glucose and insulin levels, inhibition of mTOR signaling, etc. However metformin may have additional beneficial effects on the immune system so the overlap is not 100%. DCA works in a different way, by inhibiting the conversion of pyruvate to lactic acid. I believe there would much less therapeutic overlap between the ketogenic diet and DCA.

    I mentioned in another comment that a group from the University of Florida has developed a supplemented low-carb high-fat diet for brain tumors that is meant to be more tolerable than a strict ketogenic diet, while having equivalent effects in mouse models. The ratio (by caloric content) for this diet is 10% carbs, 30% protein, and 60% fats and oils. Half of the fat calories come from medium chain triglycerides, which typically come from coconut or palm kernel oil.

  4. Thank you stephen :) we r doing fine on ketogenic diet so far and i will check the link of course..Ahmad doesnt want to take metformin..and also we didnt start the DCA we r concerned about caffeine was our last day in Radiation :)
