
Sunday 2 August 2015

Sources for chloroquine phosphate

I've asked this question before, but it's worth asking again, as it seems chloroquine phosphate is becoming harder to find in the US.   So where is everyone sourcing their chloroquine?   I've started a new page (along the top menu) for drug and supplement sources.  For chloroquine so far we have Dr. Fox in the UK and Northwest Pharmacy in Canada.  Any other mail-order suppliers that people are using?  Or does your local pharmacy have it?


  1. If someone comes to Brazil, any compound pharmacy can make it, and it´s very cheap! I pay less than 25 cents for my daily pill.

  2. We should start a thread exchanging medicines. For example, there is no melatonin in the UK but they sell metformin online and ship it within the EU. Maybe we all could cooperate and start sending those to each other and pay via PayPal. I order my meds from Russia and CIS countries, just ask people on forums to bring me a few packs here and there. These are legal drugs, so no problems with customs or postal services. At least I haven't had any.

    1. I think a good place to continue sharing this sort of information would be in the comments section of the "Drug and Supplement Sources" page (found on the top menu).

  3. In Russia, you can also buy it very cheap and free of prescription. But I didn't try any online pharmacy. Some friends brought us chloroquine (Delagil).

    1. I looked through several russian online pharmacies based here in the US. None had meds we use here. Please let me know if you find one.

  4. We used It's an online Canadian pharmacy, required a prescription that we had faxed from our NO, and the product was shipped from Singapore. Overall it took about 2 weeks from the start of the process until we received it.

    Cost was 29.99 for 100 tablets, so about 30 cents per pill.

  5. The product is shipped from Singapore but produced in China. We just received our first shipment. I'm concerned about the purity/quality. I thought it was produced in UK.

  6. Hey guys I'm in Eastern Europe. If anyone needs help ordering / getting anything please let me know I am willing to help. My mom is in Vancouver with GBM .... We are in the early stages of gathering everything to START :)
