
Wednesday 23 September 2015

Alan's Cocktail

Dx March 2014 with 3 tumours in  frontal lobe GBM4, unmethylated and IDH1 negative
 23rd April 2014 - 95% resection followed by 6 weeks chemoradiation.
 Tumour grew through chemo radiation but was first thought to be pseudo progression.
 Started on 100mg procarbazine plus 100mg TMZ 7 day schedule for almost 3 months but hubby was declining there was massive swelling and progression as per photo. Swelling was causing psychotic behaviour. Improved on 16mg dex daily, but still confusion.
Consulted for another operation but would most probably result in no short term memory. Started Avastin biweekly 8.5mg/kilo . First 2 MRI's showed reduction and all MRI's have been stable since.

Within 16 hours of having his first avastin infusion Alan was a different person, no confusion and could recall conversations from the day before etc.
The only deficits Alan has is some tiredness and the  occasional word finding difficulties, he is the one who remembers where I put my sunglasses etc.

Metformin 500mg x3 daily ( update 11th Oct 750mg morn & night, 500mg midday) total 2000
Celebrex 200mg x2 daily
Chloroquine 250mg x1 every 2nd day update 14/10/15 taking daily again
Tagamet 200mg x 2 daily
DCA 20mg per kilo (started mid June 2015) update 18/10/15 reduced to 10mg per k
Clexaine inj 40mg daily (prophylactically, had PE during radiation and now having Avastin)
Keppra 750mg x2
Melatonin 20mg daily
Curcumin 2g x3daily
pteropure50mg x 6 daily
selenium 200mcg daily
zinc 50mg daily
5-lox inhibitor 200mg x 3 daily
Boswellia 1800mg x 3 daily
green tea extract 1500mg x 2 daily
ultra soy 5g daily
ultra thistle 360mg x 3 daily
benfotiamine 250mg x 1 daily
vitamin b1 500mg x 1 daily
vitamin d3 10,000 daily
lycopene 15mg daily
boron 3 mg dily
psk 1.5g x 2 daily
maitake 600mg x 2 daily
broccoli sprout powder x 3 scoops daily
Fresh aloe vera
Paw paw leaf extract
Echinacea added 18/10/2015


June 2015 started immunotherapy, had 3 vaccines made from very small amount of tumour and have had first t cell vaccine targeting CMV virus.

Imiquimod 250mg sachets used for 5 days surrounding vaccine (2 days before, day of vaccine and 2 days after

Tetanus vaccine used once with tumour pulsed vaccine and once with Tcell targeting cmv vaccine.



  1. Linda may I ask where did you do the immunotherapy?Is it with dr Nesselhut in Germany?

    1. Anna, see Linda's long post on the cancer compass forum about this, on the cocktail thread page 231.,74411,230.htm

  2. Anna, would you mind letting me know where you purchased your DCA and PSK from?

  3. I got dca from I got psk on amazon in the US .Product name is Coriolus PSP company Mashroom Science.

  4. Linda, have you seen any side effects after starting 20mg/k dosing of DCA in June 2015?

  5. Jo,
    Alan started really slow at 5mg/k and each week we increased the dosage until we were at 20mg/k. Al is a little more tired and his memory isn't quite as good as pre DCA.. We also do b12, and as yet haven't had any peripheral neuropathy. Some people have a few days break every week or f/n when taking DCA but we have found we haven't needed to,
