
Sunday 6 September 2015

Brain tumour diet

Just wondering what sort of diet is everyone doing? I have my hubby (Alan) on a low carb diet, that includes meat(grass fed) and cheese. I thought that was good then Anna mentioned IGF-1 that is connected to some cancers .  Yikes!!


  1. I am from a rural Poland. Some of my ancestors lived to a hundred. What they ate? Cabbage breakfast lunch and dinner with some beans. Some dairy, lard, organ meats. My neighbors were so poor that they had a piece of sausage once a year. There is good stew made from cabbage. I go to the supermarket in US and every time I buy cabbage the cashier asks me if this is a lettuce. You cook whole shredded cabbage, 2 -3 shredded carrots boil uncovered, add spices,lemon or sourcrout, on the side you fry some onion lightly with some fatty meaty leftovers add a spoon of four to make browning it just lightly .mix all boil over etc. This is not an exact recepie. There are 1000 of way to cook kapusta, bigos(cabbage) in Polish cousine also with beans. I eat a lot of it. It might cause hypothyroid if you eat a lot for many years I think. I also eat red cabbage salad. Whole red cabbage cook till soft spice up with salt,lemon, drop of honey and olive oil.

    1. Or they make it with beans no meat at all. In the past people did not have meat so they ate cabbage without meaty leftovers.

  2. Half a year before my brother got diagnosed he build a small smokehouse and started buying pigs and smoking it. I wanted to tell him "you are going to get sick from all that meat" but before I had a chance he got sick already.

  3. My husband is on Low carb ketogenic diet..he loves meat so we couldnt stop it, he eats meat 2-3 times a week..(restricting carbs is already very hard for him so cutting meat off was impossible)..i am following the same diet as he does to encourage him..not that hard..we bought ketosticks to ensure he is in ketosis..

  4. My wife was on a strict ketogenic diet for a few months. She had to eat less than 15g carbs per day to stay in ketosis. It is very hard. We relaxed it over time, and are looking now on the LOGI diet that might give us a bit more flexibility. She has a low grade glioma, so we are not sure about the exact benefit of strict ketogenic diet in her case.

  5. There is an interesting article on this brain tumour subject. Check livescience
