
Saturday 19 September 2015

How about mistletoe?

Here is some article about mistletoe. What do you people think about it?


  1. Hey guys,

    I know this is an old thred but wanted to share my experience with white mistletoe (tradename Iscador Qu). I went to see homeopath and she highly recommended it. One course of treatment consists of 14 subcutaneous injections (total price 140 in my country).

    Anyway, I was diagnosed with grade 2 oligodendroglioma and underwent total resection, so I can't objectively tell if it didn something to tumor cells. But, as I am writing this I am having fever of 39°C and I have a strong headache at the part where my tumor was. Otherwise I didn't have fever for 1 year or more & nobody is sick at home and I was mainly inside, so I don't know how I could get fever otherwise than mistletoe being responsible for this. I read somewhere that it is the most often prescribed drug in Germany and that fever side effect is a good thing - hightened immune system maybe.

    Anyway it is all really subjective, just wanted to share my experience and it might be worth trying, since it is non-toxic.

    Take care, Matjaz

  2. Our Naturopath just recommended adding this treatment to chemo and radiation. She also mentioned that it is the most commonly used treatment along with standard of care in Germany. She provided us with the same study you mentioned above, I also found the one below, it is on mice but more recent:

    If anyone is interested, check out this link: It includes case reports and studies of it's use in glioma and other cancers

    We were given Helixor A, which is used most often with Brain tumours. The link above outlines which Helixors are used with which cancer types.
