
Thursday 24 September 2015


How does one get this drug?  I've repeatedly asked our NO about this and he basically just doesn't answer me.  I'd like to hear from people using this and how they are using in combination with what, etc.  Thanks.


  1. My wife started on Tamoxifen 160mg per day, she is also in a PCV protocol, currently in 2nd cycle. The first cycle was PCV alone, and tumor seem to be stabilized after control IMR post 1st cycle. At the beginning of the second one we added Tamoxifen, celebrex, metformin, verapamil, omeprazol a bunch of suplements. Yesterday also added Disulfiram, and DCA coming from Spain. Despite the fact she is tired and in a "power reserve" mode, we are looking forward to see 2nd cycle IMR control.
    Best wishes, Fran.

    1. Did the oncologist prescribe the tamoxifen? Or are you able to get it somehow without a prescription?

    2. Our main NO doesn't know about the cocktail, we've checked some interactions with other oncologyst who has a open mind, he has a different way of thinking, considers everything available that can improve the treatment and the outcomes must be used. Anyway, we get the Tamoxifen easily because my sister in law is gynecologist, so she has easy access this medication in his area, but due to the high dosage is difficult to obtain that quantity, but for now we have stock.
