
Tuesday 22 December 2015

Coriolus Super Strength vs Coriolus PSP

Can anyone tell me if it makes any difference to use coriolus PSP instead of coriolus super strength? The price difference is double on the mushroom website and the strength difference is only 200mg per capsule.


  1. Coriolus Super Strength is PSK. Traditionally, PSK is made in Japan and comes from a different strain of Coriolus compared to PSP, which is made in China, and they have somewhat different production methods. Both have been tested in clinical cancer trials. I have never seen any direct clinical comparison between PSP and PSK, so it's difficult to say if they're equivalent in efficacy or not.

  2. May I ask which one did Ben williams use??

  3. When I asked Ben which one he recommended, he said PSP, but he did take PSK.
