
Monday 11 January 2016

Low white blood cell count (leucocytic count)..stop cocktail??

Dear Stephen and everyone
Ahmad did his blood tests before 4th round of ccnu..
The total white blood cell count ( leucocytic count: (pcv,mcg,mcg)) , are all low..the Dr. Advised us to delay this round of ccnu..
My question..should we stop tamoxifen and cocktail  too??

Also his liver functions tests are high:
SGPT (ALT) 113 u/l.       Ref range (0_49)
SGOT (AST) 54.   U/l.                         (0-34)

I am posting as the Dr. Simply told me to stop everything we r anyone has a better advice out of ur experience??

Thank you


  1. My history is a little different but might provide some insight.

    My last two blood work results at the start of my scheduled TMZ round has had low platelets. NO only recommended re-taking the labs the following week and delaying the TMZ. The following week, the platelets has been ok and I started my TMZ cycle. So I have been on a 5 day/32 day cycle since I started 400mg of TMZ. My next labs are this week so I will see if the trend continues. My MRI's have been stable.

    FYI, my WBC has also been low (3.6 1000/mm3) but that has not concerned the NO, just platelets


  2. Thank you Marc..I hope your next tests be great and ur MRI too..
    This is my case NO delayed chemo a week. And we will repeat the is just that he requested we stop normal situations I wouldn't do that..but I am afraid that cocktail might havev relation with our case so I wanted to know what people did..I guess u just stopped chemo and kept your cocktail going..right?

  3. Thank you Marc..I hope your next tests be great and ur MRI too..
    This is my case NO delayed chemo a week. And we will repeat the is just that he requested we stop normal situations I wouldn't do that..but I am afraid that cocktail might havev relation with our case so I wanted to know what people did..I guess u just stopped chemo and kept your cocktail going..right?

    1. Correct. I continued with my cocktail. I did add aloe Vera juice but saw no improvement. Last month I added chlorella and I am hopping to see an improvement tomorrow.

    2. Prayers to u and my husband..

    3. Mark, my husband takes fresh aloe vera gel that use get from the inner leaf. The older the plant the more potent it is suppose to be. We have been using plants that are 3 years old and some are 5 years old. If you look at Rich's cocktail you'll see that he also used fresh aloe vera. The store bought Aloe juice is of little use. (not sure if you used store bought) Avemar produced even better results.

  4. Hi Sarah,
    Is Ahmad taking Milk Thistle particularly Silybin it is very good for supporting the liver. My husband has had low platelets and low white blood cell count but neither are an issue now. We first used fresh Aloe Vera gel which raised the WCC to just above normal. A month ago we started daily TMZ and we had a blood test after the first week ( because my husband has always had a low WCC the oncologist wanted weekly blood tests as she didn't think Alan's immune system would handle the chemotherapy.) The white cell count did go down after the first week of chemo. I then started Avemar and the next week his WCC was better then before we started the daily chemo so the oncologist agreed we could go back 2 f/n testing and last week the WCC has further improved in fact Alan's immune system is better then it or mine has ever been. Alan has been taking Avemar for just over 3 weeks. It is very expensive $175.00 Australian per month. I didn't have any expectations but thought we would give it a trial, so glad I did. Good Luck

  5. My dad is half through his radio+chemo an his white blood cell and platlet count had gone up every week with blood result and liver an kidneys are fine. I swear by chorella astragalus and different mushrooms supplyments folic acid is meant to be good aswell Whitch my dad also takes

    1. Thank u..Dayle.Ahmad is take mushroom supplements..but no folic acid..
      He was more than fine.but everything dropped suddenly :(

  6. Hi Linda :) yes he is taking milk thistle..silymarin
    Will try to get Avemar ..Thank you very much for the tip..

  7. Mark, That is amazing, I've never heard of someone's white blood count and platelet count improving each week while doing chemo and radiation. Please keep us informed. What brand of Chlorella is your dad using?

  8. oops sorry the above post was for Dayle

  9. He takes holland and Barrett
