
Monday 6 June 2016

Chance Gilford's Debut on YouTube

Hi Friends,

We've been through it the last months, but recently Chance has been making a comeback and we just recorded his first YouTube. I wanted to share it here because Stephen, this site, all of you, have been such a blessing to us. We have gone from no conversation to deep and meaningful ones. Tomorrow is not promised but I would have given everything to have such quality time with him and I feel blessed beyond measure. Don't give up, don't give in...


  1. Is amaizing how a pozitive and good thinking can heal any illness, it is saying that the right though , can beat even cancer. I belive in this kinda things.


  2. Is amaizing how a pozitive and good thinking can heal any illness, it is saying that the right though , can beat even cancer. I belive in this kinda things.


  3. I really loved this. Way to go Chance!!!

  4. Thanks so much for all the positive vibes! Melinda, I too believe in these things. All my adult life I've searched out "mind over medicine" thought, but it's never been put to the test quite like this before. From the very first, I said "This is not a medical problem. This is a spiritual/emotional problem and my job is to keep him alive long enough for it to get resolved." We are still dealing with serious deficits, but I believe we're moving in the right direction. We have searched out many types of alternative healing. He mentioned that his father was being very supportive - which may be difficult for folks since his Dad made his transition in 1998, but his father reminded him of a name no one else ever called him and that his purpose in life was to be a teacher and leader. He assures him he is not going to die. There is no doubt in my mind he had talked to his father. Since then, he talks to him every night. It's a lot (I know), but all I can say is that what we don't know far exceeds what we do. Thanks Jenna! Thanks Annie! Loving thoughts of others are the finest gifts we can give each other. You have mine.

  5. This is an amazing video Jude and Chance, thanks so much for putting this out there!
    I never saw Chance in his weakest moments, but from your descriptions, the recovery is amazing!

    Thanks again for posting, and for putting out an such an inspirational message. Give Chance my kind regards too!

    1. You are an inspiration for others Chance! Stay strong and carry on! I am sending you endless healing thoughts.

  6. Jude, your son-such a nice and sincere young man! It's great that you made this video I wish to Chance good health!
    His speech- beautiful. My husband has defeated the left temporal lobe, and significant problems with speech. May i ask you, what techniques did you use to restore the speech?
    And, you are right: never, never, never give up!

  7. Hi Jude, great video, you must be one proud mama.

  8. Thank you for sharing this Jude. You always have such a positive energy in your posts and Chance clearly has that too. Uplifting just when I needed it.
    Muhammed Ali has been quoted a lot since his passing. This one seems apt:
    "Impossible is not a fact. It's an opinion. Impossible is not a declaration. It's a dare. Impossible is potential. Impossible is temporary. Impossible is nothing"
    Stay strong

  9. Stephen, Jaki, Tatiana, Linda - Thank you so much for your kind thoughts. I will share with Chance tomorrow and he will will be thrilled. On Facebook we have heard from people all over the world too. Tatiana, he didn't have problem with speech - but he wasn't speaking much. Mostly he would say, "I'm sorry, I can't understand you." He was not originating a conversation. Now he's talking to everyone about everything (still somewhat confused but such an apparent improvement)!. I heard about cognitive rehab at UCLA and asked about it at UCSF. Apparently lots of brain tumor centers are wanting to add it as a therapy, but it's still very rare to find. Anne Marie, aren't the quotes we've been hearing attributed to Muhammed Ali astounding? I hadn't heard that one and it too is perfect. Thank you!
