
Wednesday 29 June 2016

Liquid Aspirin

Did anyone see this? Maybe a future addition to the cocktail.

Grace and Peace,


  1. The news talks about how important it is for aspirin to go through blood-brain barrier. But how effective is aspirin for killing the tumor cells? Is it kinda a new chemo drug?

  2. Interesting. Unfortunately the article doesn't say what the two other ingredients are, this appears to be a secret as a Google search does not help here. This research hasn't been published yet.

    1. Hi Stephen
      the article I read (UK newspaper) said the aspirin solution alone "was ten times more effective than any combination of other currently used drugs.
      This is because aspirin itself has an ability to kill cancer cells. But if they add cancer drugs to the solution - which they have already started testing - they expect power of the treatment to substantially improve"

      All three ingredients are already approved for human use, meaning that trials should be quicker than otherwise for a new drug

      Read more:

  3. Hi Danny
    I was going to post this as there was quite a bit of coverage in the UK press yesterday. Sounds exciting. Trying to find out more about the company involved. It seems that there are several promising developments gaining ground at the moment. Hoping and praying that one of them turns into something definitive.
    best wishes to all

  4. I remember reading other research Geoff Pilkington had carried out into using chlomipramine against GBM. He's been in this field of research for a long time.

  5. "Regardless of how the three ingredients were separated or applied, they were 10 times more effective than any combination of currently available treatments, the researchers found."

    What this means exactly is unknown until the research is published. As one article concluded "A word of caution needs to be taken though, as there is currently no peer-reviewed paper in sight, so no confirmation that what they claim has been achieved. We shall have to wait and see if it rings true."

  6. I'd also agree with Stephen W's caution. Much of this really doesn't make sense to me. Aspirin is well-absorbed from the GI tract and crosses the blood-brain barrier readily -- if it didn't, it wouldn't bring a fever down.
    And "soluble aspirin" isn't new at all. An IV form of aspirin has been used in Germany for quite some time.
    The two mystery ingredients remain a mystery, and there's just nothing in the literature about "IP1867B."

    Aspirin's a promising agent, but what this group is doing with hyping unpublished, unverifiable results isn't kosher.

  7. Does anybody know what has happened with this breaktrough of 2016? Are there any trials/results or it did not work afterwards.

  8. This is the patent - this looks intresting

    Stephen could you please check
    Triacetin is secret reagent ..

    Also some slides here

  9. Another one
