
Monday 17 October 2016

Garlic and other veggie pills antiproliferative and antioxidant activities

hi Stephen and all,

I came across this Canadian study .. It mentions that garlic and broccoli sprouts ( sulforaphane) had almost 100% inhibition of U-87 glioma cells proliferation. Anyone here taking them? How much mg dose per day should be taken? Thanks


  1. My wife has been taking 2x capsules of 'Swanson GreenFoods 100% Natural Sulforaphane from Broccoli', since the start of the year. Each contains 400mcg of Sulforaphane. I have no idea of what the daily recommended dose should be

  2. It's amazing to me how often in vitro laboratory studies leave out the question of pharmacokinetics entirely, as this one does. It is very easy to kill cancer cells in a dish, when there's no limitation on the drug concentration that you can use. The biggest question is always: what concentration is achievable in the body, and especially in the central nervous system when we're talking brain tumors. This study does not even ask the question.

    What was tested was vegetable juice of undefined composition. We have no idea how much of the active ingredient/s was contained in a say, 1/1000 dilution of the juice. This means there is no way of cross checking the achievable in vivo levels of whatever active compounds are in the juice against the concentrations of juice used in the lab. (You can't measure "vegetable juice" in the plasma or living tissue after consumption, you can only measure defined compounds).

    While garlic and cruciferous vegetables may very well be good for cancer prevention, or even treatment of some types of cancers, this study is rather unconvincing as evidence. Sorry to be so critical, but there are thousands of studies like this and its important to separate the most convincing from the least convincing. In vivo work involving animals or humans always trumps evidence from strictly in vitro work. In most cases the question is not asked: is the drug concentration used in the lab in this or that study achievable in the body (or central nervous system)? It's incredible, since that is the most important question.

  3. On a more helpful note, you might want to check out the work of Brent Reynolds, who has devised a cocktail of curcumin, epigallocatechin gallate (from green tea), and sulforaphane, all in one capsule, called epidiferphane. This has slowed glioma growth in mouse models, and had an additive effect when combined with a low-carb, high fat diet supplemented with medium-chain triglycerides).

    I can email you contact info if you'd like to contact him.

    1. Hi Stephen,

      I realize this thread is a bit old, but if Brent is still creating or distributing this capsule, would you please email me his information?

      Thank you!

    2. Sure I'll check in with Brent and get back to you.

  4. I totally hear you Stephen! This is why u couldn't figure out rises from this paper and came to the group hoping someone might have come across riding info somewhere else. Yes, can you please email me Brent's email address? Thanks for the help.
