
Wednesday 1 February 2017

Celebrex control edema? also question about boswilla

Hi all,

I come from China,this blog is wonderful to help my GBM wife.I want to start with a quick question. Stephen,i saw in the library excel that celebrex can help reduce edema,but i can not find related study in the library, do you have it?

I read the study on boswilla serrata control edema pretty well, just want to confirm is that still the best way?



  1. Welcome Roy,
    I'm glad you asked this question. I'm going to create a new folder in the Brain Tumor Library called "Edema control" and will upload all the studies related to this there. The study that led me to posit celecoxib as a potential way to control cerebral edema was a rat glioma study, in which rofecoxib (another COX-2 inhibitor, now withdrawn from the market) was "was as effective as dexamethasone in decreasing the diffusion of contrast material into the brain parenchyma
    suggesting a reduction in blood–tumor barrier permeability". Of course restoring integrity to the blood-tumor barrier might help reduce edema, but also could hinder the passage of drugs into the tumor (leaky blood vessels are the cause of vasogenic edema, but also likely facilitate the passage of drugs into the tumor, so restoring the integrity of the blood-tumour barrier would be expected to reduce edema, but also hinder the passage of drugs through the BBB).

    I'll create the new folder and upload the studies now.

  2. thanks Stephen. So it seems that boswilla so far is the best supplement to control edema, correct?

    1. In terms of non-prescription supplements, yes Boswellia has the best evidence. But see my comment below and the new folder in the library. Sulfasalazine is a cheap drug and may also have anti-seizure effects (though it was injected intraperitoneally to rats in the study, unlike human use which is oral).

  3. Boswellia alone might not be enough to completely control edema, and dexamethasone will often still be needed. I've now created the new folder in the Library called "Edema Control". You'll find there studies on COX-2 inhibitors, Angiotensin-II receptor blockers (-sartans), Boswellia, and a couple new studies with sulfasalazine and metformin. These are mostly rodent studies except for the studies with Boswellia and angiotensin-II receptor blockers.
