
Sunday 2 July 2017

Avastin Fatigue sideffects

Hello, my husband's last MRI following his 2nd round of adjuvant TMZ showed his right temporal lobe gbm increased in size by 50% as well as a new tumor on left side on anterior horn of left lateral ventricle. Our NO recommended Avastin
only at 1/2 dose, so we had first infusion on June 5th then another on June 19th.  My husband has declined significantly mentally and physically since then. He is sleeping 20-22 hrs a day, and today his legs seemed to give out on him and it took my son and I several hours to get him back into bed bc of confusion he wouldn't trust us or let us help him. It was heartbreaking. Our NO is saying it will take 2 more treatments to see if it is working....does this sound right?  He is suppose to get 3rd infusion tomorrow, but I don't even know if I will physically be able to get him there, so that may be answer in itself. I just want to know I did all I could. Do you all think if he was going to respond he would've done so by now or shown some improvement? Thank you for your help.


  1. My husband responded within a few days, about 3 as I recall, when he started Avastin. He did start on a "full" dose. And people respond differently. I hope your husband does respond.

  2. "My husband has declined significantly mentally and physically since then. He is sleeping 20-22 hrs a day, and today his legs seemed to give out on him"

    This sounds very similar to other Avastin patients, including Minsha's husband: "My husband started having some right side weakness after the VB-111 and Avastin, which I believe happened because Avastin cut the blood supply to the leaky and damaged vessels and cells by the "radiation""

  3. Avastin promotes satellite tumor formation. It did help with my husband's swelling but at a very dear cost as he got a second tumor right near his forehead. The 5th Avastin infusion did him in. If the other, more natural anti-inflammatory regimens like boswellia + acupuncture don't help control his swelling, and it can't be controlled with dexamethasone, I don't know what else to offer.

    The Traditional Chinese Medicine anti-inflammatory regimen suggested by our acupuncturist, which included foods and herbs, did help keep his swelling down until my husband hit his head while playing with the dog. The swelling from that and subsequent hits because of dizziness meant we had no choice but to chose Avastin.

  4. Actually, I do have another thought: cannabadiol, aka CBD. It is legal in most states as it is not psychoactive. It controlled my husband's seizures like magic, even the grand mals. You can order it online but get Eloise at Green Health Consultants to help you with dosing: It's definitely worth a try.
