
Tuesday 15 August 2017

Cocktail for 11 year old child

Greeting All,

I am hoping someone here can give me some advice. My 11 year old son has recently been diagnosed with Glioblastoma. In 2013 he was diagnosed with a Medulloblastoma and just when we thought we were out of the woods this new tumour has popped up. His Oncologist believes it is caused by the previous radiotherapy he had for the original tumour.

He recently under went surgery, but unfortunately not all of the tumour was able to be removed. He is currently on oral chemo Temozolomide. This is all they have available for Gliomas from a chemo perspective here in New Zealand. After much research I have composed the following cocktail for him based on what I can access here.

What I really need to know is what daily dosages I should be giving him, given his age. I have found adult dosages for all on my list, but no luck for children. I would also appreciate any feedback on the list itself. The list is as follows:

Cannabis oil, high THC & CBD
Rhodia Rosea
Tumeric / Cucumin
Omega 3 - Fish Oil
D3 drops
Gamma linolenic acid (GLA)
Green tea extract (standardised to 50 %EGCG)
Bowellic acid
Coriolus versicolor (Mushroom) - PSK
Coriolus versicolor (Mushroom) - PSP
Metaformin – diabetic medication

Atorvastin – cholesterol medication

Thanking you for your time.



  1. Hi Brad,

    I'm sorry to hear about your families difficulties. Have you also visited Virtual Trials? Ben Williams just released an update to his cocktail. I've also found that Ben and Rich will respond to you if you email them directly. Greg (GBM survivor) might also be good out to, as I believe he used only conventional chemo/radiation.

    There's also the clinical trial for a PARP inhibitors mentioned below. I'm not sure how feasible getting to Australia will be.

    I'm sure others can be much more useful.


    1. Hi Maria, thanks for your response. Yes I have visited Virtual Trials and seen Ben Williams update.Ben's book is what inspired me to follow the cocktail approach.


  2. Check out IV Vitamin C (Ascorbic Acid) following the University of Kansas Medical Center's protocols (Jeanne Driscoll, MD).

    I would also recommend a detox protocol so the toxins from the chemo don't recirculate through the body.

    1. Also, consider a ketogenic or vegan diet...either way, no processed foods or sugar.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. Hey, Brad!

      I must advise you to try out Dichloroacetate! Here's an article about DCA usage for glioblastoma -

      Below the article you can find the full scientific study on how Dichloroacetate affects GBM.

      DCA is available not only in clinics. You can get it on various online vendors which you can find through google or in

      I would personally advise you to choose because they offer DHL fast delivery and have great quality and reasonably priced products.

      You can read more on DCA
      Dosing and usage

      Godspeed. Let us know how it's going on for your son.

    2. Sorry for messing up the first post, tried to update the post.

    3. Thanks Daniel, will definately look into DCA.

  4. I wonder if a Naturopathic Doctor can talk to you specifically about dosages? In the US I'm told Heather Wright is very knowledgeable about brain tumors. She's in Pennsylvania and does phone consultations. Also, Jeanne Wallace is well known. Heather is cheaper and probably gives similar advice. Heather's practice is called Apple Tree or Good Apple or something like that. Let me know if you need more concrete info and I'll happily get it. I'm just using my less than ideal phone right now. I'm sure a Google search will turn her up.


      There is Heather's site.

    2. Hi Maria, thanks for your reply, I have managed to find a very experienced Cancer Naturopath operating out of Perth Western Australia who is happy to give me input into my son's cocktail.


  5. Hi Brad,

    So sorry to hear about your son.

    I am also in New Zealand and my boyfriend is battling a grade 3 tumour. I would love to connect with you. Would be good to share what we are doing and to ask you some questions. Please let me know if you would be happy to connect and I will put my email address up.


    1. Hi Lara, very happy to connect and share. Just got back from the Oncologist today and he has given me prescriptions for Metaformin, Atorvastin and Mebendazol to add to Fynn's cocktail. He really believes in the cocktail approach using off-shelf medication and has been incredibly supportive of what I am doing. Drop me a mail at Where in NZ are you, we are in Hamilton.
