
Tuesday 19 December 2017

Dear friends, It is URGENT!!

My sister has 3 kids (41
years) in May 2017 was diagnosed in Anoplastic multiform glioma.

Pathology report shows:
MGMT – Non methylated

IDH1 (R132) negativ (IHC)

PCR signal unmethylierte sequenz – positiv

PCR signal methylierte sequenz – negativ

ATRX: partieller Verlust (IHC)

H3K27M: negativ (IHC)

From August 2017 she got
Temodal for 3 months (7 days in, 7 days off).
growing continue.

In November she got Avastin +
growing continue

December: just Avastin

Now she is getting:

Kepra 3000
Vimpat 100
Dexamethason 8 mg
Vitamin C, B, D
Boswellia serrata
Kytta Sedativu
RSO – 0,5 a day
Ajurvedic treatment

Plan to have Optune in 10

So far we cant stop the

Can you please advice useful
protocol/treatment plan which can help stop tumor grow?

Many thanks  in advance.

Best regards,


  1. What grade is the tumor? Was it a grade 3 anaplastic astrocytoma? or a grade 4 glioblastoma?

    Did she have surgery at first diagnosis, and if so how successful was it? Did she already go through radiation treatment? Is there any option for further surgery, or further radiation or radiosurgery? How large is the tumor?

    If in Europe, you could consider clinical trials, such as (this therapy is similar in principle to Toca511 + TocaFC, but the trial just started and is likely still in the dose finding stage) (Blood-brain barrier opening with ultrasound followed by carboplatin chemotherapy)

    Also in Germany, the CUSP9v3 trial is recruiting.

  2. It is Anoplastic glioma grade 3. She has not surgeble tumor as it spread like a cloud. As necessary to radiate 100% of the head we refused from Radiation. As we understood its a big risk to Radiate 100% of the head.
    Toca511 in her case not possible.
