
Tuesday 28 August 2018

I am trying to remember.  Was it posted at one point that Omega3 should not be taken during TMZ treatment?

Thank you.


  1. I don't believe that was posted on this blog. I've not heard of this combination being contraindicated.

  2. High dose Omega3 has some studies showing that it slightly lowers platelet production but possibly more significant is that it can reduce platelet aggregation (ie slower clot formation, more blending from injury).

    So there is plausibly a contraindication if you are having low platelet counts during chemo, especially if they are low enough that your NO is delaying the next round of chemo.

    1. Thanks for this. What doses are considered high in these studies?

    2. Most seem to look at 1000 - 3000 mg total epa+dha, per day. The big caveat is that the vast majority of studies on this are studying heart disease and looking at lower bp, reduced RBC width, and lower platelet aggregation factors as being beneficial. Data on Omega3 risks with thrombocytopenia are far more limited and more in the category of just using caution.
