
Saturday 25 August 2018


Does anyone have any recommendations for spinal 'drop metastasis'?

In addition to getting the bad news that my husband's tumor is progressing, we learned yesterday that his recent 'foot drop' and increasing foot numbness is most likely the result of a rare occurrence called  spinal metastasis, whereby glioblastoma cells travel through the spinal fluid and drop to the bottom of the spinal chord.  The was a small area of enhancement seen on an MRI he had done on Thursday of this week.

We have an appointment with our radiation oncologist on Tuesday.  The proposed treatment for this condition will be to radiate that spot on his spine.

I wonder if anyone else her has experienced this condition.  I worry that radiation will cause further damage.

My husband's full history can be found here:

Thank you in advance for your help!



  1. Dear Ashley,

    You can read about spinal metastasis in this paper: Johanns TM, Miller CA, Dorward IG, et al. (2016) Immunogenomics of Hypermutated Glioblastoma: a Patient with Germline POLE Deficiency Treated with Checkpoint Blockade Immunotherapy. Cancer Discov ePub Sep 2016.

    I wonder why the spinal metastasis was suspected and why the spine MRI was done?
    My partner also has also developped foot drop but we were thiniking it's because the tumor has reoccurred in the brain and is close to motor cortex, noone ever suggested performing spine MRI, so now I wonder if maybe it's also spine lesion in case of my partner and we should also do a spine MRI...

  2. Spinal metastasis was suspected because the foot drop was on his left foot. His Brain tumor is on left temporal lobe. If the foot drop was related to the tumor, it should have presented on his Right side.... that is why spinal MRI was ordered

  3. Hi Ashley,

    I don't know if this is 100% related, but I remembered coming across this post before on this blog - maybe you could reach out to the original poster for advice?

    Hope that helps some.
