
Wednesday 19 June 2019

Boswellia during radiation

Hi Stephen/others,

Do you think it is a bad idea to use Boswellia during radiation? -  A week ago I started Boswellia Serrata Extract (Wokvel) 333mg three times a day after having a seizure on radiation day #11 out of 30 sessions.  There is the thought that the radiation and Temodar 180mg daily are causing some edema.   I have started taking keppra 500mg in AM and 750mg in PM.  I am not on any steroids(dexamethasone).  I have been told that research has shown signs of Boswellia having pretty strong antioxidant properties-  but I do not have the source(s) for that thought.  So now I am concerned that Boswellia may not be great to take right now if it could interfere with the radiation treatments? 

Also, I don’t know if I should actively pursue changing to Valproic Acid to capture any potential benefits it could have as a radio-sensitizer?  Any opinion?



  1. Hi Mike,
    The major evidence in favor of Boswellia in glioma comes from studies where it was given during radiation.

    As you know, the topic of antioxidants and radiation is very complex (see Ben Williams)

    Most oncologists say to steer clear of antioxidants during radiation, but there is actually evidence of some agents known as antioxidants to improve outcomes after radiation (for example pterostilbene + radiation in mouse studies, CBD+THC + radiation in mouse studies, melatonin + radiation in small a small GBM trial). I think probably one of the reasons for these findings is that a substance is not JUST an antioxidant. It might do many things and have other important functions that complement radiation. I've never seen hard evidence that Boswellia interferes with radiation.

    I wouldn't trust lower does valproic acid to have reliable radiosensitizing properties. The higher dose they used in the phase 2 clinical trial may though (25 mg/kg/day divided into two daily doses of Depakote). It's possible to take Keppra and Valproic acid at the same time

    but you might consider tapering the dose of Keppra as you increase the VPA dose. I would also seek doctor supervision for this. How many radiation sessions do you have left?

  2. By the way, there is a new study on Boswellia in 20 patients with glioblastoma:
