
Wednesday 5 February 2020

Brain Tumor Library - "New Upload" folder

I've added a new folder within the Brain Tumor Library folder which I've shared with over 500 patients and caregivers.  The new folder is called "1. New Uploads", and will be a way for frequent users of the library to see at a glance new studies that I've added, before they are filed away into their destination folder a month or so later.

Good luck in your research!

1 comment:

  1. I've moved the New Uploads folder into the folder "0. Important REFERENCE Documents" for now as this folder has view-only privileges. Someone (accidentally???) removed all the studies that were in the folder a month ago, and I just discovered this today. I added a new PDF "2020 Sarkar Niacin reactivates myeloid cells" of a mouse study involving niacin that I will make a separate post about.
