Tuesday 12 February 2019

Hi to everybody. My 69-year-old mother was diagnosed with glioblastoma in december 2018. We realized that she was missing a few words in reading, writing and talking and having constantly headache. It was operated on 12/27/18, when approximately 90% of a tumor was removed. She never had any seizures. After the surgery she had a considerable improvement in writing and reading and did not fell any more headaches, despite having presented a little tremor in her hands. Radiation therapy started on 01/23/1919 and was fractionated in 15 sessions. The first cycle (21 days) of temodal (temozolamide - TMZ) chemotherapy was started on 05/02/19.

Since the surgery she has been taking:

- Omeprazole
- Pure (she has hypothyroidism)
- Depakene 500 mg twice a day
-dexametazone just one per day

and supplements:
- magnesium chloride
-D vitamin 10,000 cu
- curcurum (curcumin)
-Omega 3
metatonin (15) at night

started recently:
1 clove garlic, raw

and will start:
-Beta Glucan

We are thinking of associating acetatalozamide with the next cycles of temozolomide.

I would like you, or someone, to evaluate, and please and if possible make some comments and suggestions.

Note: We have not taken the MGMT exam yet.

thanks in advance

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